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Ken Fields
Ken Fields

Ken Fields is a professor of media arts, at the new School of Science for Human Habitat at the University of Chinese Academy of Science. His main area of research focuses on the practice of live network music performance (NMP). NMP refers to real-time, collaborative music making and performance over high-speed networks.  He is the creator of Artsmesh software for live network music collaboration. Ken taught at the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) for two decades, developing many foundational courses along the way, and continues scholarly cooperation with the Music AI program at CCOM. Other current projects are Co-PI for The Digital Score EU Research Council Grant 2001-2026 and development of the Netronome App (a metronome for network music). He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press, and the Electroacoustic Music Studies Asian Network (EMSAN).