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Nicola Sani
Nicola Sani

Nicola Sani was born in Ferrara in 1961. He studied composition with Domenico Guaccero, specializing with Karlheinz Stockhausen and electronic music with Giorgio Nottoli. He is author of stage and and dance operas, intermedia works, symphonic and chamber compositions, performed in leading festivals, theatre and seasons worldwide. He is currently artistic director of the Accademia Chigiana in Siena (Italy), board member of the Foundation "Archivio Luigi Nono" in Venice, member of the artistic board of the IUC - University Concert Institution - Rome.In 2011 he was awarded by the French Ministry of Culture the honor of "Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres". In 2013 the British Council awarded him the "New Connections Award”. In 1990 he was awarded with the Prix "Ars Electronica" - Golden Nica in Linz with the painter and video artist Mario Sasso. He was president of the "Foundation Isabella Scelsi" of Rome (entitled to the management of the cultural legacy of the composer Giacinto Scelsi), general manager of the Opera house in Bologna, President of the National Institute of Verdi Studies in Parma, board member and artistic director of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, as well as board member of Opera-Europa in Brussels.