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MA Xiaoke
MA Xiaoke

Xiaoke Ma is an undergraduate student majoring in Electronic Music Composition in the Composition Department at Wuhan Conservatory of Music. Xiaoke has been playing KongHou (Chinese harp) for many years. In 2022, she joined the Youth Chinese Orchestra of Wuhan Conservatory of Music as the first KongHou performer, participating in several major national performances with the orchestra. These include the national tour for the Harmony project funded by the National Arts Fund and the Ode to Mao Zedong Chinese traditional music concert commemorating the 130th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth. Her compositions have won second prize in the Composition Department’s Academy Cup competition at Wuhan Conservatory of Music and third prize in the Provincial Competition of Computer Music Composition at the China University Students Computer Design Competition. She has also been involved in the collaborative project "Innovative Research on KongHou Music Works in the Contemporary Context" (a National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program) and contributed to the development of the KongHou electronic sound library "Ningyu."