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FENG Jian is an Associate Professor in the Composition Department at Wuhan Conservatory of Music, the Director of the Computer Music Composition Research Center, and a former visiting scholar at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) at the University of California, Berkeley. She also serves as the Deputy Secretary-General and Board Member in the Electronic Music Association of the Chinese Musicians Association, as well as an Executive Member of Computational Art Chapter of the China Computer Federation (CCF).


Her works and research focus on interactive electronic music integrating instruments with sensors and other technologies. Her compositions have been performed at numerous music festivals and conferences both domestically and internationally, including the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World Music Days, the Frontiers+ Modern Music Festival in Birmingham, UK, the "China, Women, Music, and Opera" Festival and Symposium at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, the Beijing International Electronic Music Festival, and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Electronic Music Week, etc. Notable among her works are Sound between Lines for guqin and computer, Space Beyond for cello and computer, and Soul - Wind for soprano and effects. Her publications include Collection of Electronic Music Composition and Research, The Organization of Sound and Its Implied Formal Meaning, and The Sonic Characteristics of Electronic Instruments and the Structural Significance of Timbre in Electronic Music. Her accolades include the 2011 National Educational Research Innovation Award, the Hubei Higher Education Research Award, and the Golden Bell Award nomination, among others.