Bryan Holmes is a Chilean-born musician based in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) since 2006. In Brazil he coursed a Masters degree at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), writing the thesis Spectromorpholoy in Instrumental Music, advised by Vania Dantas Leite with the support of CAPES and FAPERJ scholarships. He earned his PhD degree at the same institution, writing the thesis Technomorphism in Music: a theoretical and practical approach, advised by Carlos Palombini. He taught at the Brazilian Conservatory of Music (CBM) .There he founded the extension program Fábrica de Sons Eletrônicos, which has been active since 2015.His works have been premiered in more than 20 countries worldwide and awarded in prestigious contests, such as the Pulsar Awards 2017 in Chile, where he won the "best classical music composer" prize. His music’s phonograms and scores have been published internationally in physical and digital media.He has performed his music and other composers' works in loudspeaker orchestras at Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC, Belfast, Northern Ireland), Panaroma/UNESP Teatro Sonoro (PUTS, São Paulo, Brazil), Palácio da Foz (Lisbon, Portugal), among others. He has also performed in improvisation groups and solo sets, as well as in duos with Doriana Mendes, Pedro Bittencourt and Carolina Carrizo.