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Benjamin Broening
Benjamin Broening

Benjamin Broening’s music couples his interest in the expressive power of sound with a sense of line derived from his background as a singer. His orchestral, choral, chamber and electroacoustic music has been performed in over twenty-three countries and across the United States by many ensembles including Eighth Blackbird, Da Capo Chamber Players, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Choral Arts Society of Philadelphia, Zeitgeist, Network for New Music and many others. Broening is recipient of Guggenheim, Howard and Fulbright Fellowships, and has also received recognition and awards from the American Composers Forum, Virginia Commission for the Arts, ACS/Andrew Mellon Foundation, the Jerome Foundation and the Presser Music Foundation among others.Broening is founder and artistic director of Third Practice, an annual festival of electroacoustic music at the University of Richmond, where he is Professor of Music. He holds degrees from the University of Michigan, Cambridge University, Yale University, and Wesleyan University.