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Leah Reid
Leah Reid

Dr. Leah Reid is a composer, sound artist, researcher, and educator, whose works range from opera, chamber, and vocal music, to acousmatic, electroacoustic works, and interactive sound installations. Her primary research interests involve the perception, modeling, and compositional applications of timbre. In her works, timbre acts as a catalyst for exploring new soundscapes, time, space, perception, and color.Winner of a 2022 Guggenheim Fellowship, Reid has also won the American Prize, first prizes in Electroacoustic Composition Competition, and Musicworks’ Electronic Music Competition, KLANG! International Sound of the Year’s Composed with Sound Award, IAWM’s Pauline Oliveros Award, and second prizes in the Iannis Xenakis International Electronic Music Competition and the International Destellos Competition.


Her compositions have been presented at festivals, conferences, and in major venues throughout the world, including Aveiro_Síntese (Portugal), BEAST FEaST (England), Espacios Sonoros (Argentina), EviMus (Germany), among many others.She is Vice President of the International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM), Vice President for Programs and Projects for the Society of Electroacoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), and the Artistic Director of the Boston New Music Initiative (BNMI). Reid received her D.M.A. and M.A. in music composition from Stanford University and her B.Mus from McGill University. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA) where she teaches courses in music composition and technology. Additional information may be found at www.leahreid.com.