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Adrian Moore
Adrian Moore

Adrian Moore is an electroacoustic music composer specializing in sound diffusion for multiple loudspeaker systems. As the director of the University of Sheffield Sound Studios (USSS), he leads collaborations between researchers and composers on innovative musical projects. His research focuses on the development of the acousmatic tradition in electroacoustic music, performance techniques, signal processing, and human-computer interaction in music. His works have been commissioned by prestigious institutions such as the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM), the Institute International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges (IMEB), and the Arts Council of England. A significant portion of his music is available on four albums: TracesRêve de l’aubeContrechamps, and Séquences et Tropes, released on the empreintes DIGITALes label. Additionally, he is the author of Sonic Art: An Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Composition, published by Routledge.