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Edmar Soria
Edmar Soria

PhD. and M.Sc. in Music Technology from UNAM, a B.Sc. in Mathematics from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional and an M.Sc. in Applied Economics from UNAM. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and artificial intelligence at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas, UNAM and is currently a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (FONCA, 2024-2027). He was head of the PIATS Research Area (Practice as Research in Art, Transdiscipline and Sound) of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities at UAM-Lerma (2017-2023).


Winner of the Acousmonium INA GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicale) Contest 2016 (France-Mexico), he also obtained the 3rd place in the Xenakis Electroacosutic Music Contest 2023 (Greece). Winner of the SONOM 2014 contest (International Festival of Sound Art), finalist of the "Concours International de Composition Electroacoustique SIME 2018" (Lille, France) and of the Programs, Creadores Escénicos 2018 (FONCA, Mexico), Resiliencias Sonoras-Composición Electroacústica 2020 (UNAM Mexico) and Ecos Sonoros 2022 (Secretaría de Cultura, Mexico).


He has done artistic residencies in two of the most important acousmatic music studios in the world: Musique & Recherches (Belgium) and INA GRM (Paris, France). He has completed residencies in electroacoustic music composition and digital art at DXArts (Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media, University of Washington), the Conservatory of Belo Horizonte-Brazil (under the direction of composer Joao Pedro Oliveira), and CMMAS (Morelia, Mexico). He has been recognized internationally through official commissions for multimedia compositions and performances by Difrazzioni Festival 2016 (Florence, Italy), Multiphonies GRM 2017 (France) and New York University Music Ensemble (2017), as well as in Digital Art Biennials (UK and Colombia, both in 2020).


His works include multichannel electroacoustic music, digital art (3D procedural modeling/animation), experimental music and music for contemporary dance and his works have been selected and presented in several international forums in Europe, USA, Asia and Latin America. As an academic researcher he is a member of SNI-CONACyT (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores) and his areas of interest and work include spatiality/localization of sound (acoustics/psychoacoustics), 3D immersive sound, data visualization/sonification, applications of artificial intelligence to digital art, philosophy of AI and topics of mathematics applied to art, among others and has several refereed publications in this regard. He has published so far, three books as author and two as co-coordinator and author. He is Director and founder of the International Colloquium Espacio Inmersividad, which has so far 3 issues (2018-2019-2020) and Desfases, Festival Inmersivo de Producción Multimedia (2021-2022).