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Zhang Chao, postdoctor in Drama and Film Studies, Ph.D in Media Music.

Chinese young composer, musical producer, young teacher at the School of Music and Recording Arts at Communication University of China, , assistant director of the Music Industry Development Research Center at Communication University of China, and Master's Supervisor in broadcasting and television arts at Beijing City University. Published multiple academic monographs and core journal papers, participated in the creation of dozens of films, television and drama works.

Some representative works include Media Worker, Join the War in Their Own Way, CCTV documentary Tibet, Our Story, Walk into He Tian, etc., micro documentary of Asian Games music Hi, Asian Games, feature film Red Cultural Relics Youth Talk series, online drama Summer of Mint, etc; movies such as Hunting, Erlong Lake: Scary Night, and Battle of the Tiger; The National Arts Foundation drama project Youth Garnet Fire, original children's musicals such as Three Thoughts on the Planet and Splendid Silk Book. Has won the Five Ones Engineering Award from the Central Propaganda Department,  Danny Award from the United States, etc.