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Marc Battier
Marc Battier

Marc Battier is a composer of instrumental and electroacoustic music. After twenty years at Ircam, Paris, he became in 2002 full professor of musicology at Sorbonne University, now professor emeritus. In 2017, he received the award of the 1000 Talents experts plan of China and subsequently, in 2019, joined Shenzhen University (China) as distinguished professor. He also taught at the University of California at San Diego (1984-86) and, in 2018, at the university of Music and Arts of Aichi, Japan.


He is a cofounding member of the International Computer Music Association and Electroacoustic Music Studies Network (EMS, 2003), founder and director of EMSAN (2007), a network studying the electroacoustic music of East Asia. He has written music for several Japanese and Chinese musical instruments. His music has been performed in France by orchestras such as Intercontemporain, l'Itinéraire and 2E2M, and he has lectured on computer music in many countries around the world. His music is published by BabelScores.  He published a book on computer music in Chinese and English (Sun Ya-Tsen University Press, 2023). In 2023, he became an ICMA director for Asia/Oceania.