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MA Shihua
MA Shihua

MA Shihua is a teacher of electronic music composition at the Composition Department of the China Conservatory of Music, a PhD in electronic music composition at the Central Conservatory of Music, and a new media artist.

The new media artworks he has created have been staged and won awards at many art events in China, the United States, Europe and other regions, including MUSICACOUSTICA-BEIJING, Shanghai Electronic Music Week, the CIME 2016, ISCM 2018, ICMC 2020, NIME 2021 and ICMC 2023,etc. He has held a solo exhibition of his works "RE-SOUND: RE-SOUND" in October 2022 in Shanghai.

As an official certified instructor of Max, the interactive design programming environment, he has authored "Max/MSP/Jitter Tutorial for Interactive Sound and Video" (People's Music Publishing House, 2022), which is the first Chinese tutorial officially certified by Cycling'74.